"In JavaScript we trust"
SwissJeese is a Swiss JavaScript Community event, a one day conference with talks around our beloved JS, for and by locals. The event will take place on June 2nd 2012 from 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM at the PROGR in Bern. The conference is limited to 200 people, so go ahead and get your tickets now on eventbrite.
Depending on the sponsorship situation, there will be free catering. If you feel like sponsoring the event, let us know!
Event sponsored by
Welcome talk11:00-11:15
Lightning Talks11:15-12:00
Julian Viereck (@jviereck)12:00-13:00

Yes We Can: Rendering PDFs cross browser without plugins!
This talk is about PDF.JS - a project that aims to implement a full PDF viewer using only open web standards; that means only JavaScript, CSS and HTML5. Once started as an experiment to figure out, what the web is capable of doing and what needs to get improved in the web platform, the project is about to become the default PDF viewer in Firefox. But as the viewer is nothing more then a normal web page, the viewer also works in Google Chrome, IE(9+) as well as Opera. Project on GitHub: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js.Lunch13:00-14:30
Alain Hornair (@elHornair)14:30-15:30

Let me introduce you to the YUI3 App Framework
Front-end heavy applications grow more and more complex. As frontend developers we need strategies to overcome those complexities. In this talk we'll see, how the YUI3 App Framework assists us in doing so: It helps us writing structured and thus maintainable code. Of course we will also have a look at the drawbacks of the framework and when you should not use it.
Adrian Kosmaczewski (@akosma)15:30-16:30

Hands on Sencha Touch 2
Sencha Touch 2, a high-performance HTML5 mobile application framework, is the cornerstone of the Sencha HTML5 platform. Built for enabling world-class user experiences, Sencha Touch 2 is the only framework that enables developers to build fast and impressive apps that work on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Kindle Fire, and more.Coffee break16:30-16:45
Julien Bachmann (@julbmann)16:45-17:45

WebApp = MVC javascript + javascript templating + JSON API
Using the case of webdoc.com, we will present the challenges and the solutions we chose to build a scalable HTML-5 based social media platform. The main challenge was to provide a sleek and powerful client-side JS WebApp that allows users to mix web content such as video from YouTube, sounds from SoundClouds and interactive widget such as Google maps and polls through drag & drops in a social media environment. WebApps move the model to the client-side to improve the user experience and enable fast dynamic interactions while not reloading the web page. The aim of the presentation is to present the JavaScript MVC framework we have developed and its integration in our global architecture that includes Rails-mySQL-MongoDB.
Philip Hofstetter (@pilif)17:45-18:45

As our applications begin to reach a more and more international audience and as Unicode gains interesting characters like the good old U+1F4A9, the times where developers could cheat their way using ISO-8859-1 are slowly coming to an end. But what does it mean to go Unicode? What support does JS provide? What do you have to keep in mind as you exit the cosy world of what-you-think-is-ISO-8859-1-but-likely-isn't? What is the one huge flaw in what JS claims to be Unicode support?"Apéro à la Romande"18:45-20:00